Rudens Lygė
Autumnal Equinox. AKA Dagotuvės. Harvest celebration. Date varies from the 20th to the 22nd
Lithuanian Ethnic Faith
Autumnal Equinox. AKA Dagotuvės. Harvest celebration. Date varies from the 20th to the 22nd
Day of Shades. AKA Ilgės (lengthening). Remembrance of the Dead. This holiday was traditionally celebrated from after the Autumn Equinox to mid-November.
Mid-Winter. Synonymous with Lunar New Year.
Perkūnas Day. Blessing of candles, linen, and evergreen trees.
Skylark day. The beginning of Spring.
Escort of Winter. Rite to usher out winter.Christian "Fat Tuesday" or "Mardi Gras" evolved out of this holiday.
Spring Equinox. Welcoming of Spring. Renewal of life. Date varies - mostly falls on March 20, but can be the 19th or (rarely) the 21st.
Flower and herb lances are created. Preparation for Spring. Christian Palm Sunday evolved out of this holiday.
The Great Day. Christian Easter evolved out of this holiday.
New growth of Spring.