Tenets of Faith
The world is alive. Life is understood in a much wider perspective than just biological life. The Sun is alive, as are trees, rocks, water. We must love and respect life. That is why our world-outlook must be respectful. The ancient Baltic religion is a religion that respects life.
The world is harmonious, but this harmony is not regular, it sometimes weakens and disappears, therefore it is important to hold on to it, to create and expand it. A person’s duty is to reach for harmony, to protect it. Harmony (Darna) is the basis of our ancient culture and religion.
We honour Gods and Goddesses. There are the great deities—Dievas (Praamžius), Perkūnas, Žemyna, Laima, Saulė. But the world is varied, and many powers and deities work within it, so people hold on to tradition or choose what is nearest and dearest to them personally. The deities are associated with nature, but they are invisible, supernatural. The gods and goddesses can be associated with a particular place, with the traditions of that place, and even with historical events.
The world is eternal. It is continuously created by the eternal godly powers. According to Lithuanian mythology, the world is created and re-created by at least two gods—light and darkness, creation and destruction (Dievas and Velnias). Their relationship created harmony and vitality.
The most important aspect of morality (the golden rule) teaches that one must do unto all other living things what they would want to be done unto them, i.e. never do anything that you would not want done to you. The Balts call this type of morality humanism. This is the avoidance of forcefulness and revenge, maintaining selfless love and pity for all living things. Man is born good, and evil appears only when harmony falls apart. A person evolves spiritually if he lives right and selflessly.
We are thankful to our Ancestors for our existence, our language, our homeland. This is why we constantly have to remember them and express our respect. The Baltic faith unites all those who believe — the living and deceased. Death is a part of nature. When the body dies, the soul can continue on by moving into another form. After death, the spirit joins the rest of our deceased family, and during rituals the dead and living meet.
Nature is sacred, and sacredness is the most perfect characteristic of life, it unites everything. Our people grow and cultivate their land. Lithuanians consider their home sacred. Without its land, a nation cannot survive and remain as itself. Therefore, we must love and respect our Earth, and protect it.
We will only experience a full life if we respect the values of our forefathers, which rise from the whole of our land’s life, like amber from the ancient forests, like the Lithuanian language and song – from Lithuanian nationality. Looking at the teachings of the ancient Lithuanian faith, we see that there is a deep understanding in the faith. Belief was simply the greatest vein of Lithuania’s national vitality.
– Vydūnas